How Abortion is Useful for Rape Culture

Posted on September 25, 2018 By

by Rachel MacNair During this time of uproar over an allegation against Brett Kavanaugh of committing attempted rape when he was 17, I’d like to remark on the connection of the violence of rape with the violence of abortion. I see it much differently from many of the pundits. It’s a mark of social progress…

Answering Objections to the Consistent Life Ethic from Mainstream Pro-Lifers

Posted on September 18, 2018 By

by John Whitehead Advocacy for the consistent life ethic (CLE) requires making the CLE more comprehensible and appealing to those with very different philosophies. Consistent Life Network Vice President Rachel MacNair offered valuable guidelines for discussions about the CLE in her blog post, “Tips on Dialogue.” Taking a cue from her post, I offer thoughts…

Media Stories on Abortion Access

Posted on September 11, 2018 By

The PBS NewsHour ran a 10-minute story called Even with Roe v. Wade intact, many states have aggressively restricted abortion access (September 7, 2018). We offer below a letter in response from one of our board members, and then some comments on this kind of story from another board member. Since the episode and a…

Tips on Dialogue

Posted on September 4, 2018 By

by Rachel MacNair Many times you’ll find yourself with opportunities to dialogue with individuals or small groups who aren’t familiar with the consistent life ethic. When these people are open-minded, these dialogues can feel very productive. When they’re not quite open-minded, the dialogues are still important in the long run. We can run ads and…