Abby Johnson Remembers Dan Berrigan
Both Abby Johnson and Dan Berrigan are Consistent Life endorsers. Abby Johnson ministers to abortion clinic workers to help them leave the industry and heal through her organization And Then There Were None and her book, Unplanned, recently adapted as a feature film, which tells the story of her conversion from Planned Parenthood Clinic Director…
When Linking Abortion with Other Violence Comes Naturally to Pro-lifers
Part 2: Consistency Strengthens the Case Part 1: Connections focuses on how opposing abortion using a broad right-to-life principle strengthens the case against other kinds of violence. Here, we do the reverse, and focus on how opposing other kinds of violence strengthens the case against abortion. Kathryn Jean Lopez Editor-at-Large, National Review Symposium: Whole…
When Linking Abortion with Other Violence Comes Naturally to Pro-lifers
(compiled by Rachel MacNair) Part 1: Connections Show Importance One common criticism of the consistent life ethic is the idea that, when opposing abortion, adding other issues is intended to be a way of watering down abortion, and giving politicians (especially Catholic politicians) a pass by letting them proclaim themselves good on other issues even…
Recognizing Humanity: Orwell and the Consistent Life Ethic
by John Whitehead We’re 70 years from the publication of one of the 20th century’s most influential books: 1984. George Orwell’s 1949 novel about future life under an extremely repressive regime has shaped political debate and popular culture for decades. The novel’s anniversary will doubtless prompt further reflections. I reflect on Orwell’s concern for defending…