Reflections from My Decades of Consistent Life Ethic Experience

Posted on February 23, 2021 By

by Fr. Jim Hewes In 1978, Frank Staropoli and I founded the Diocesan Human Life Commission, with our charter clearly being what was later called a “consistent life ethic” or a “seamless garment.” During those years, when we tried to reach out to pro-life groups, we ordinarily didn’t find the warmest reception because of our…

“The Affairs of a Handful of Natives”: Nuclear Testing and Racism

Posted on February 16, 2021 By

by John Whitehead While nuclear weapons haven’t been used in war for over 75 years, they’ve still killed and hurt people. Testing of nuclear weapons exposed many to radiation, with terrible health consequences. The people harmed have frequently been from different, far less powerful, ethnic groups. Nuclear weapons’ deadly effects have combined with racial injustice….

The Civil War Conundrum, 150 Years Later

Posted on February 9, 2021 By

by Rachel MacNair My great-grandfather was born a Quaker, but when he married my great-grandmother, he converted to being Methodist for her sake. His parents were Quakers, and once I took an interest in genealogy, I found that, through them I had Quaker ancestors (that is, members of the Religious Society of Friends) going all…

Angela Kennedy (1963 – 2020)

Posted on February 2, 2021 By

by Katharine Gilchrist Consistent ethic advocate Angela Kennedy has died at the age of 57 (November 26, 2020). She was the editor of the anthology Swimming against the Tide: Feminist Dissent on the Issue of Abortion (1997), which covered the topic of the consistent life ethic. Angela leaves behind her daughter Stevie and son Sean….