“Is One Life Issue More Important Than the Rest?”: A Question That Might Not Need an Answer

Posted on October 26, 2021 By

by John Whitehead Consistent Life Ethic activists generally have varying interpretations of the Ethic. Some take an absolutist stance on nonviolence, others allow exceptions to strict nonviolence. Some tend to specialize on working against a particular threat to life, others tend to work against multiple threats. Another difference among Consistent Life Ethic activists (which relates…

Pro-lifers for choice are dangerous  

Posted on October 19, 2021 By

 If we agree that a mother may kill a child in the womb, why not outside the womb?   by Richard Stith   Anyone who has been to public debates on abortion knows that each side talks past the other. True to their self-definitions, the “pro-life” side argues primarily that the fetus is human and…

Abortion and Other Issues of Life: Connecting the Dots

Posted on October 12, 2021 By

by Father Jim Hewes Abortion is not only a foundational life issue, but also is analogous with the other life issues. War: A bomber pilot looks through a scope to target objects (the enemy) from a distance and destroy them; in the same way the abortionist looks through a “scope” to obliterate from a distance…

“The Daily Show” Doesn’t Do Its Homework

Posted on October 5, 2021 By

by Rachel MacNair   On September 27, 2021, comedian Trevor Noah offered What Happens When a State Bans Abortions? in his ongoing segment, “If You Don’t Know, Now You Know.” What I know after watching it is that Trevor is competent at giving the conventional talking points in favor of abortion availability, the ones we’ve…