Kate Cox and Stories of Trisomy 18

Posted on February 27, 2024 By

by Sarah Terzo This is Part 1 of 2. We will run Part 2 next week, explaining what a D & E abortion entails as the proposed alternative to giving birth.  Kate Cox sued Texas for permission to abort her baby, who had Trisomy 18. Cox’s doctor told  her that her baby was “incompatible with…

Testimony Opposing the End-of-Life Options Act

Posted on February 20, 2024 By

Tom Taylor recently offered this testimony in opposition to the End-of-Life Option Act (HB403/SB443) in the U.S. state of Maryland   This legislation puts Maryland’s most vulnerable populations at risk – including individuals with disabilities, minorities, those experiencing poverty, individuals being treated for or having a history of mental illness, our veterans, and those suffering…

Creating a Loophole on the Life of the Mother Exception

Posted on February 13, 2024 By

by Sarah Terzo Pro-Lifers and Abortions to Save the Mother’s Life Mainstream media outlets are full of stories about pregnant people whose lives are endangered by their pregnancy and need an abortion. Individual cases vary, and there are legitimate cases where a person’s life can be endangered by a pregnancy. Many times, premature delivery instead…

The Safety of Incredibly Dangerous Things

Posted on February 6, 2024 By

by Rachel MacNair   A common method used to try to justify violence is to make comparisons to innocent-sounding things, saying that the violence being justified is actually safer than things that people don’t normally fear much. Here are three examples Nuclear Weapons and Radiation In my youth, when we were opposing nuclear weapons as…