Are We Finally Waking Up? Signs of New Awareness of the Nuclear Threat

Posted on April 30, 2024 By

by John Whitehead Nuclear weapons have threatened humanity’s survival for almost 80 years. During the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the nuclear threat received substantial attention and inspired significant anti-nuclear activism, such as the June 1982 rally against nuclear weapons in New York City that drew roughly 1 million people….

Trump Sabotaging the Pro-Life Movement

Posted on April 23, 2024 By

The Consistent Life Network is a nonpartisan organization that encourages individual writers to express a variety of views, and the views expressed in its blog are the writers’ own. by Rachel MacNair Because (among other backtracking among Republicans recently) Donald Trump recently announced his position on abortion as being that it should be left to…

Coerced Abortion

Posted on April 16, 2024 By

  by Sarah Terzo An Attempt to Ban Coerced Abortion A bill passed in Kansas would’ve made coerced abortion a crime, had it not been vetoed. Bill 2436 banned: Threatening to harm or physically restrain an individual or the creation or execution of any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause an individual to believe…

How Caring for the Earth Fits into the Consistent Life Ethic

Posted on April 9, 2024 By

by Christina Yao Pelliccioni I was in high school the first time I realized that what humans are doing to the environment is affecting the most vulnerable among us. I went to an environmental conference at another high school, willing to do anything I could to go on an extra field trip. Looking back on…