Violence Bolstered by Professional Contradictions

Posted on October 22, 2015 By

by Rachel M. MacNair, Ph.D. Director of CL’s research arm, The Institute for Integrated Social Analysis         I’d like to regale you with my adventures in what ought to be a stuffy professional organization but is actually a prime field for countering the push for some kinds of violence. In his classic…

Spice things up with the Consistent Life Ethic

Posted on October 13, 2015 By

By Carol Crossed, Consistent Life Board Member The consistent life ethic is like salt. You don’t need a whole lot to be effective. But it’s essential to have it present…spread out here and there to spice up politics, to add a little flavor to dull single-issue groups. But it stings, like when you wash out your mouth…

The Consistent Life Consensus in Ancient Christianity

Posted on October 1, 2015 By

by Rob Arner, CL Board member Adjunct Professor of Religion at Reformed Episcopal Seminary and Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA Mennonite   When measured against the standard of the ancient Christian church, contemporary American and European Christianity is in a moral mess. When it comes to what have been called the “life issues,” Christians are no…