Three Reasons for Opposing the US Bombing of Syria

Posted on April 25, 2017 By

by John Whitehead The United States’ intervention in the Syrian civil war took a new turn on April 7, when American ships launched a missile strike on the Syrian government’s Al Shayrat air base. This attack on Bashar al-Assad’s regime marked a shift in US policy—previous American military actions in Syria over roughly the past…

Intolerance Knows No Partisan Boundaries

Posted on April 18, 2017 By

by Lisa Stiller As a CL board member who has been working to promote CL representation at conferences and festivals—and the vast majority of the time loving it!—I have sometimes been amazed and discouraged at the amount of intolerance found on both the Left and Right. In the spring of 2015, I applied to have…

Noncooperation with Planned Parenthood

Posted on April 12, 2017 By

by Rachel MacNair As nonviolence advocates, when we take on abortion as one of our issues we naturally want to apply the knowledge about effective nonviolent action to countering abortion practice. A major part of the theory of why nonviolence works is that any kind of power relies on other people cooperating. From independence movements…

Pondering Justice

Posted on April 4, 2017 By

by Carol Crossed Why is it so difficult to get people to act for justice? There are seven qualities that acts of justice embody. First: Justice is public. You are trying to change the culture; people need to see you.  It’s not private. Second:  Justice is judgmental.  People “admonish the sinner” and “instruct the ignorant.” We…