Fratelli Tutti – Consistent-Life Excerpts

Posted on October 27, 2020 By

Since Catholics in the United States have been observing October as Respect Life Month, we share excerpts from Pope Francis’ recent encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti (a print version is available), touching on each of the threats to life mentioned in Consistent Life’s mission statement.   Compiled by Julia Smucker   18. Some parts of our…

Catastrophe by Mistake: The Button and the Danger of Accidental Nuclear War

Posted on October 20, 2020 By

by John Whitehead The most likely way for the United States to end up in a nuclear war today is not because of an aggressive nuclear attack by Russia or North Korea or some other nation. Nor is it likely to be because the United States launches such an aggressive attack on another nuclear-armed nation….

Death Penalty and other Killing: The Destructive Effect on Us

Posted on October 13, 2020 By

by Fr. Jim Hewes I have opposed the death penalty for years. My reasoning stems from a larger perspective than just the death penalty. It focuses not on the circumstances surrounding the crime or the killer, but the effect of our actions on those that approve of or carry out an execution.   Anguish In…

Dialog on Life Issues: Avoiding Some Obstacles to Communication

Posted on October 6, 2020 By

by John Whitehead An essential part of consistent life ethic advocacy is learning how to talk about the ethic or specific life issues to people with differing views. In a recent post for us, Josh Brahm of the Equal Rights Institute (ERI) offered for constructive dialog. I offer further thoughts, partly inspired by ERI’s work…