Victoria Woodhull – First Woman to Run for U.S. President
This is an excerpt from ProLife Feminism: Yesterday and Today. The introduction was written by Mary Krane Derr. Introduction Victoria Woodhull (1838-1927) and Tennessee Claflin (1845-1923) Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Claflin, sisters from a poor, chaotic Ohio family, became the first female stockbrokers on Wall Street after a stint as…
The Back Alley and the Front Alley
by Rachel MacNair When Roe v. Wade first passed, I was actually pleased, because I thought it would put the back-alley butchers out of business. But here in Kansas City, there was an abortion doctor named Richard Mucie who was in fact put out of business pre-Roe because a woman had died a horrific death from an abortion…
Medical Dangers, Sex Abuse, Labor Problems, Racism: Documenting Planned Parenthood
by Rachel MacNair Problems at Planned Parenthood is a new website that lets the facts speak for themselves. This site offers extensive documentation, organized under each of the almost 600 U.S. Planned Parenthood centers. It’s sponsored by the Problems at Planned Parenthood Committee. The site also offers thousands of patient reviews from Google and…
Gaza War: Outrageous and Foolish
Statements of heartache and horror abound around the world. Every war is monstrous, and it hurts so badly when a new one is declared Here we offer comments focused on the one that flared up so badly this last weekend. Stephen Zunes Facebook Posts Professor of Politics, University of San Francisco Zunes is co-editor of…
A Plea for Quiet – and for Peace: Consistent Life Ethic Themes in Fahrenheit 451
by John Whitehead Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury’s classic dystopian science fiction novel, turns 70 years old this October. The novel has been described as being about censorship, which is an accurate but limited characterization. The book contains other themes, some of which may interest consistent life ethic activists. The novel imagines a future United States…