animal rights
Beyond the Human – Plus Everyday Peace Actions
by Rachel MacNair Among the insights of the consistent life ethic are: When we perceive human beings as potential targets and therefore dehumanize them, this is an outrage. It’s also inaccurate. All human beings should be respected and free from violence. When people perpetrate violence, it’s mentally unhealthy for them. Committing violence in one area…
Angela Kennedy (1963 – 2020)
by Katharine Gilchrist Consistent ethic advocate Angela Kennedy has died at the age of 57 (November 26, 2020). She was the editor of the anthology Swimming against the Tide: Feminist Dissent on the Issue of Abortion (1997), which covered the topic of the consistent life ethic. Angela leaves behind her daughter Stevie and son Sean….
Parallels of Veganism and Pro-Lifeism
by Kristin Monahan I compare abortion and animal farming/exploitation. Similarities between Veganism and Pro-lifeism Both are centered around the idea of respecting life, especially that of the particularly innocent, vulnerable, voiceless, helpless, and defenseless. Concern for the right to life is present in both. With pro-lifeism, the unborn child is being killed, so the focus is…
Abortion and War are the Karma for Killing Animals
by Vasu Murti In the tradition of offering a wide variety of consistent-life views, Vasu Murti offers a Hindu perspective, also using Christian and secular reasoning. This was originally written as a comment to our recent post, War Causes Abortion. Abortion and war are the karma for killing animals. The reincarnationist strategy for ending…
Suffering and Injustice Concern Us All
by Vasu Murti Do you feel like you’re being forced to practice Quakerism, because the government does not allow you to own a slave? Did the Quakers impose their morality on the rest of American society when slavery was abolished, or was it social and moral progress for all mankind? Animal rights should not be…