
Successes We Never Know About

by Sarah Terzo Being an activist can be discouraging when we don’t seem to have an impact. But sometimes, victories happen – hearts and minds are changed, and lives are saved—but we never know it. A Fetal Model Saves a Life In a 2021 article in Newsweek, Jessica Riojas says that in 2017, as a…

Resilient Rigidity

by Rachel MacNair Debate and Switch on a Comedy Show Jimmy Kimmel is a late-night comedian who frequently has innovative person-in-the-street interviews with questions or approaches others may not have thought of. Recently, he had a 4-minute segment where people known to be Trump supporters were asked what they thought of Joe Biden making a…

Presenting about Abortion: Sharing Experiences

by Fr. Jim Hewes In the early 1970’s, I was on the speakers’ bureau of the Rochester Right to Life Committee, giving talks to many groups in our area. ;where I began the presentation by showing slides/photos of the developing pre-born child. Today, with not only the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but the deep…

Dialog on Life Issues: Avoiding Some Obstacles to Communication

by John Whitehead An essential part of consistent life ethic advocacy is learning how to talk about the ethic or specific life issues to people with differing views. In a recent post for us, Josh Brahm of the Equal Rights Institute (ERI) offered for constructive dialog. I offer further thoughts, partly inspired by ERI’s work…

Two Practical Dialogue Tips for Changing More Minds about Abortion

by Josh Brahm Editor’s Note: while the author applies this to abortion, the same principles apply to dialogue on any issue. I was standing in the exhibit hall in front of our booth at the Students for Life National Conference a few years ago when a student walked up to me. He had just heard…

Why the Interfaith Approach is Important

by Rachel MacNair This February in 2020 I went on a trip to Israel and Palestine with a group called In the Steps of Our Ancestors: an Interfaith Peace Pilgrimage. In addition to seeing the holy sites of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baha’i, we spoke with several groups promoting peace in different ways. (I went…

Tips on Dialogue

by Rachel MacNair Many times you’ll find yourself with opportunities to dialogue with individuals or small groups who aren’t familiar with the consistent life ethic. When these people are open-minded, these dialogues can feel very productive. When they’re not quite open-minded, the dialogues are still important in the long run. We can run ads and…