
Presidential Election 2024: Consistent Life Perspectives

We offer three different takes on last Tuesday’s elections. As usual, we don’t necessarily endorse everything said in our blog, since we encourage individual writers to express a variety of views. This is especially so when analyzing elections. Carol Crossed Peter Sonski is who I early-voted for at the Susan B Anthony House. Sonski is…

Worthiness Concept Threatens Equality

by Ms. Boomer-ang In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, animals take over a farm and paint on a wall “an unalterable  law by which all animals” there “must live forever.” This law was a list of commandments, one of which was: “all animals are equal.”  But eventually the only commandment remaining read: “All animals are equal,…

Disability Rights – Babies, Women, Numbers

by Rachel MacNair This was originally written for a referendum to allow late-term abortions on our project website Peace and Life Referendums. The measure never made the ballot, but we don’t let write-ups go to waste, so it became one of several topic pages.  Fetuses with Disabilities One of the most common reasons given for…