A More Hopeful Path: Working for Peace in a World at War
by John Whitehead The following is adapted from remarks given November 9th, 2024, at the quarterly peace vigil in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Consistent Life Network. We are here today to witness for peace and for the protection of human life. We are here today to oppose the greatest threat to peace and human…
Presidential Election 2024: Consistent Life Perspectives
We offer three different takes on last Tuesday’s elections. As usual, we don’t necessarily endorse everything said in our blog, since we encourage individual writers to express a variety of views. This is especially so when analyzing elections. Carol Crossed Peter Sonski is who I early-voted for at the Susan B Anthony House. Sonski is…
Summary of Results: Peace & Life Referendums 2024
compiled by Rachel MacNair For details on the referendums and explanations of why consistent-lifers have an interest in them, see: Peace and Life Referendums Good News West Virginia passed a state constitutional amendment to protect patients from assisted suicide. However, it was a squeaker — 50.4%. Joining the trend for states with state constitutions…