All Blog Posts


Personal Action

Boycott Strategy: CVS & Walgreens / Rachel MacNair

Will for Life – Double Down / Tony Masalonis

Life-Affirming Doctors / Anonymous & Richard Stith

Activists, Beware: Burnout is a Very Real Danger / Rachel MacNair

Consistently Nonviolent Mutual Funds

Culture of Conscience: Would You Pay Taxes that Fund Abortions if Hyde and Helms were Repealed? / Thad Crouch

Beyond the Human – Plus Everyday Peace Actions / Rachel MacNair


Dialog and Persuasion

Successes We Never Know About / Sarah Terzo

If You Can’t Explain the Opposition to Your Case / Rachel MacNair

Tips on Dialogue / Rachel MacNair

Two Practical Dialogue Tips for Changing More Minds about Abortion / Josh Brahm

Dialog on Life Issues: Avoiding Some Obstacles to Communication / John Whitehead

Resilient Rigidity / Rachel MacNair

Perspectives on the Consistent Life Ethic

“Is One Life Issue More Important Than the Rest?”: A Question That Might Not Need an Answer / John Whitehead

Abortion and Other Issues of Life: Connecting the Dots / Fr. Jim Hewes

The Consistent Peace Ethic / Rachel MacNair

The Case for Abortion as the “Preeminent Priority” / Fr. Jim Hewes

Specialization or Generalization? The Many Ways of Following the Consistent Life Ethic / John Whitehead

What Does it Mean to be Inconsistent? / Julia Smucker

Political Homelessness is Better than a Wrong Political Home / Ms. Boomer-ang (pen name)

Win-Lose is a Mirage / Bill Samuel

The Mirror-Image Counterpart of the Selfish Society / Richard Stith

The Price of Violence: When Dehumanizing the Vulnerable Hurts One’s Own Causes / Julia Smucker

The Vital Need for Diversity / Sarah Terzo

Different Ways of Looking at Issues / Sarah Terzo

More than Double the Trouble: Another Way of Connecting [intersectionality] / Rachel MacNair

Seeking Peaceful Coexistence: The Varied Ways of Supporting a Consistent Life Ethic / John Whitehead

Pondering Justice / Carol Crossed

People Are So Much More Than Their Circumstances / Lisa Stiller

Spice Things Up with the Consistent Life Ethic / Carol Crossed

Answering Criticisms of the Consistent Life Ethic

Does the Consistent Life Ethic Water Down Life Issues? / Bill Samuel

Equal Concern for Each Human Being, Not for Each Human Issue / Richard Stith

Is Abortion Different from Other Violence? / Julia Smucker

Reflections from My Decades of Consistent Life Experience / Fr. Jim Hewes

Dynamics of Nonviolence

Applying Pacifist Insights to Abortion / Rachel MacNair

Boycott Strategy: CVS & Walgreens / Rachel MacNair

The Creativity of the Fore-closed Option / Rachel MacNair

Instead of Division, Schools of Thought / Rachel MacNair

The Parable of the Bridge / Carol Crossed

The Good Grandma / Bill Samuel

A New Pro-life Movement  / Shane Claiborne

No Resort to Violence / Jim Kelly

To Know a Person is to Recognize a Human  / Julia Smucker

Making a Nonviolent Revolution: Review of Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know  / John Whitehead

Reaching Out Needs Compassion / Sarah Terzo

Work and Life / Ms. Boomer-ang

Dynamics of Violence

Tragedy Spreads: The Impact of Veterans’ Suicides on Families / Sarah Terzo

Heartbreakingly Common: Suicide Among Veterans / Sarah Terzo

Where Violence Begins  / Rachel MacNair

When “Choice” Itself Hurts the Quality of Life / Richard Stith

Misogyny vs. Patriarchy / Rachel MacNair

Oppressors of Women Scapegoat Fetuses to Preserve Patriarchy / Richard Stith

Abortion and War: Breaking through the Euphemism Barrier / Sarah Field

Hospital’s Attitude Adds to Couple’s Heartbreak / Sarah Terzo

The Death Penalty and Abortion: The Conservative/Liberal Straitjacket / Rachel MacNair

“I Became Like a Soldier Going to Battle”: Post-Abortion Trauma / Sarah Terzo

No Combat Experience, No Opinion: Parallels in Pro-bombing and Pro-choice Rhetoric / John Whitehead

Pro-lifers for Choice are Dangerous / Richard Stith

The Traumatized Lash Out / Rachel MacNair

Must We Resign Ourselves to Violence? / Julia Smucker


Dynamics of Social Movements

The Life / Right Divide: A New Approach / Rachel MacNair

Imagining a Different Type of Peace Organization / John Whitehead

Boycott Strategy: CVS & Walgreens / Rachel MacNair

Converts or Heretics? / Rachel MacNair

Tribalism: A Major Obstacle for Building Bridges / Rachel MacNair

Promoting Peace at Home and Abroad: A Challenge for Peace Activists / John Whitehead

Blind Spots on Contradictions

Another Blind Spot: Win Without War

An Example of Why the Peace Movement is in Deep Trouble / Rachel MacNair

Unconnecting a Dot? (Campaign Nonviolence) / Rachel MacNair

Open Letter to Governor Stitt: the Pro-life Case against the Death Penalty

Violence Bolstered by Professional Contradictions (in the American Psychological Association) / Rachel MacNair

Amnesty International’s Blind Spot / Julia Smucker

Thoughts on Issues

Abortion – Roe & Dobbs

Major Obstacle Removed! (June 24, 2022 Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade)

Reflections on the Alito Draft Leak of May 2, 2022

Post-Roe Life-Affirming Help / Rachel MacNair

Post-Roe Stats: the Natural Experiment / Rachel MacNair

Roe v. Wade: Legal Scholars Comment



abortion pillsCoerced Abortion / Sarah Terzo

Kate Cox and D&E Abortion / Sarah Terzo

Kate Cox and Stories of Trisonomy 18 / Sarah Terzo

The Kate Cox Case in Texas / Sarah Terzo

The Back Alley and the Front Alley / Rachel MacNair

Applying Pacifist Insights to Abortion / Rachel MacNair

Isolating Women and Encouraging Jerks / Rachel MacNair

Is an Embryo More Important than a Woman? / Rachel MacNair

Abortion Facilitates Sex Abuse: Documentation / Rachel MacNair

“The Daily Show” Doesn’t Do Its Homework / Rachel MacNair

How Abortion is Useful for Rape Culture / Rachel MacNair

“Trust Landlords”: Pro-Choice Candidate Supports Eviction Rights / Richard Stith

Guns and Abortion: Extremists Resemble Each Other / Carol Crossed

If Men Could Get Pregnant / Rachel MacNair

What Do Men Have to Say on Abortion? / Rachel MacNair

Conscientious Objectors (objecting to participating in abortion)

“Why Haven’t We Ended Abortion? / Rachel MacNair

Abortion: A Restorative Justice Response / Jim Hewes

A Daunting Disadvantage for the Pro-Life Side / Acyutananda

Asking Questions about Miscarriage and Abortion / Ms. Boomer-ang

Medicine’s Movement towards Abandonment / Jim Hewes


Animal Rights

Beyond the Human – Plus Everyday Peace Actions / Rachel MacNair

My Personal Journey on Veganism, War, and Abortion / Frank Lane

Parallels of Veganism and Prolife-ism / Kristin Monahan

Suffering and Injustice Concern Us All / Vasu Murti


Child Welfare

Adoption and Foster Care / Jim Hewes

Book Excerpt: Preventing Child Abuse

Children in Cages (compilation of statements on separation of US immigrant parents and children)


Death Penalty

Not Caring about Guilt or Innocence: An Execution Case that Illustrates a Pattern  / Sarah Terzo

Ramiro Gonzales / Sarah Terzo

Why Conservatives Should Oppose the Death Penalty / Destiny Herndon-de la Rosa

Racism and the Death Penalty  / David Cruz-Uribe

Is the Death Penalty Unethical? / Hannah Cox

The Death Penalty and Abortion: The Conservative/Liberal Straitjacket / Rachel MacNair

Death Penalty Jurisprudence of  Former Missouri Supreme Court Judge Laura Denvir Stith / Laura Denvir Stith

Death Penalty and other Killing: The Destructive Effect on Us / Jim Hewes

Open Letter to Governor Stitt: the Pro-life Case against the Death Penalty


Disability Rights

Disability Rights – Babies, Women, Numbers / Rachel MacNair

Kate Cox and Stories of Trisonomy 18 / Sarah Terzo

Bigotry against Babies with Down Syndrome: International Experiences / Sarah Terzo

Bigotry against Babies with Down Syndrome / Sarah Terzo

A Lawyer’s Turnaround on Baby Doe with Her Own Down Syndrome Baby / Sarah Terzo

How Euthanasia and Poverty Threaten the Disabled / Sarah Terzo

Killing the Disabled / Anonymous (pen name Tara Zoe Roshe)

How Ableism Led (and Leads) to Abortion / Sarah Terzo

Abortion and People with Disabilities

Women with Disabilities Speak


Environmentalism and Contaminants

The Effects of Climate Change on Marginalized Communities Near and Far / Christina Yao Pelliccioni

The Dangers of Climate Change for the Pregnant and Pre-born / Christina Yao Pelliccioni

How Caring for the Earth Fits into the Consistent Life Ethic / Christina Yao Pelliccioni

Stewardship and the Consistent Life Ethic / Tom Taylor

Climate Change and the Consistent Life Ethic: An Opportunity to Connect Issues / John Whitehead

Tear Gas and Miscarriages / Sarah Terzo

Lethal from the Start: Uranium Mining’s Danger to the Most Vulnerable / John Whitehead

Threats to the Unborn Beyond Abortion / Julia Smucker

Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate / Mary Krane Derr & others

Dobbs decision services

Euthanasia (includes infanticide)

Figuring out Euthanasia: What Does it Really Mean? / Rachel MacNair

Confronting MAID: Is it Autonomy? / Ms. Boomer-ang

Assisted Suicide as the Next Roe v. Wade: Time to Pay Attention / Jacqueline H. Abernathy

Assisted Suicide is Inequality, Just Like All Legal Violence / Jacqueline H. Abernathy

Euthanasia by Poverty: Stories from Canada / Sarah Terzo

Testimony Opposing the End-of-Life Options Act / Tom Taylor

MAID in Despair / Lois Kerschen

Grieving for John / Rachel MacNair

The Danger of Coerced Euthanasia: Questions to Ask

A Process of Tender Understanding and Loving Closure when Life Ends  / Lois Kerschen

#SayHisName: The Medical Murder of Michael Hickson / Sophie Trist

How Euthanasia and Poverty Threaten the Disabled / Sarah Terzo

What’s Cruel for the Incarcerated is Cruel for the Terminally Ill / Jacqueline H. Abernathy

Will I be Treated the Same Way Now? / Anonymous

A Lawyer’s Turnaround on Baby Doe with Her Own Down Syndrome Baby / Sarah Terzo

Killing the Disabled / Anonymous (pen name Tara Zoe Roshe)


Guns and Abortion: Extremists Resemble Each Other / Carol Crossed

Threats to the Unborn Beyond Abortion / Julia Smucker

Human rights

Open Letter to Fellow Human Rights Activists / Richard Stith

Human Rights & the Right to Life: Reconsidering Conventional Human Rights Activism / John Whitehead

“I Gave Birth to Too Many Children”: Population Control and Repression in Xinjiang / John Whitehead

A Cold War Comes Home? Anti-Asian Racism in Light of US-China Hostility / John Whitehead

Elena in front of the Angels Unawares sculpture


When Immigration Is a Life Issue / by Julia Smucker

Children in Cages

Would My Grandparents Have Died in the Pogroms? / Lisa Stiller

Peas of the Same Pod / Elena Muller Garcia

Threats to the Unborn Beyond Abortion / Julia Smucker


A Healing Metaphor: Pandemic as War / Julia Smucker

Post-pandemic: What Worries Me / Lois Kerschner

Sickness is the Health of the State? Civil Liberties and Conflict during a Pandemic / John Whitehead

“Millions Who Are Already Hanging by a Thread”: The Global Repercussions of Covid-19 / John Whitehead

Mask Up: It’s Pro-Life / Sophie Trist & Alex Christian Lucas

The Random Death Sentence: COVID in Prisons and Jails / Sarah Terzo

Masking Up but Not Shutting Up: Defending Freedom of Speech during a Pandemic  / John Whitehead

Pandemics Related to Christmas / Rachel MacNair

Vaccinations and Tender Consciences / Rachel MacNair


Police Brutality

Voices on Police Brutality in the Aftermath of the Murder of George Floyd

Tear Gas and Miscarriages / Sarah Terzo

Police Brutality to the Preborn / Sarah Terzo

Police Brutality Against Protesters / Sarah Terzo

Threats to the Unborn Beyond Abortion / Julia Smucker


SNAP Cuts? More Poverty, More Abortion / Sarah Terzo

Home of the Brave? A CLE Response to City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson / Sonia Morin

Social Programs to Help the Poor are Pro-life / Sarah Terzo

How Euthanasia and Poverty Threaten the Disabled / Sarah Terzo

Over 20 Million People Facing Starvation – And We Should Care! / Tony Magliano

“Millions Who Are Already Hanging by a Thread”: The Global Repercussions of Covid-19 / John Whitehead

The Impact of Family Caps on Abortion / Sarah Terzo

Threats to the Unborn Beyond Abortion / Julia Smucker

Prisons and Jails

The Random Death Sentence: COVID in Prisons and Jails / Sarah Terzo



Racism and Planned Parenthood: Documentation

Historical Black Voices: Racism Kills

Racism Kills: Several Perspectives

Racism and the Death Penalty / David Cruz-Uribe

Voices on Police Brutality in the Aftermath of the Murder of George Floyd

The Civil War Conundrum, 150 Years Later / Rachel MacNair

Movies with Racism Themes: “Gosnell” and “The Hate U Give” / Rachel MacNair

“The Affairs of a Handful of Natives”: Nuclear Testing and Racism / John Whitehead

Police Brutality to the Preborn / Sarah Terzo

A Cold War Comes Home? Anti-Asian Racism in Light of US-China Hostility / John Whitehead

Sexual Violence

Movie Review: Sound of Freedom / Rachel MacNair

Abortion Facilitates Sex Abuse: Documentation / Rachel MacNair

The Message of “Never Rarely Sometimes Always”: Abortion Gets Sexual Predators Off the Hook / Rachel MacNair

How Abortion is Useful for Rape Culture / Rachel MacNair

A Pro-Life Feminist Critique of the “Rape and Incest Exception” / Rachel MacNair

Women’s Rights

Better Living (for men) Through Surgery (for women) / Leslie Keech

Gendercide: Millions of “Missing” (Dead) Women

Abortion and Violence Against Pregnant Women / Martha Shuping, M.D.

The Myth of Sexual Autonomy / Julianne Wiley

How Abortion is Useful for Rape Culture / Rachel MacNair

“Shut Up and Enjoy it!”: Abortion Promoters who Sexually Pressure Women / Ms. Boomer-ang (pen name)

Re-Imaging Our Worth / Rosalyn Mitchell


Day of Horror & Hope

January 22, Day of Horror & Hope: Reflections 2022









Actions and Adventures in Large Groups

Maryland March for Life 2024 / Christina Yao Pelliccioni

A Tale of Two Cruises / Rachel MacNair

Progressive Prolifers at the Progressive Magazine 100th Anniversary Celebration / Mary Krane Derr

March for Life 2020

Roe Anniversary Protests, 2019


My Day at the Democratic National Convention / Rob Arner

Adventures as a Delegate to the Democratic Party Convention / Lisa Stiller

Mourning After & Hoping for the Future, We Call for a Consistent Life Texas! / Thad Crouch

Consistent Conferences

#Rehumanize 2021

Zoom Conference: April 24, 2021

#Rehumanize2020: Experiences of a Virtual Conference (2020)

Rehumanize International – 6th Annual Conference (2019)

When Women Lead: The Pro-life Women’s Conference / C.J. Williams



Individual Encounters

Hospital’s Attitude Adds to Couple’s Heartbreak / Sarah Terzo

A Friendly Approach / Richard Stith

Defining Reproductive Justice: An Encounter / Julia Smucker

My Trip to Pakistan / Rachel MacNair

Intolerance Knows No Partisan Boundaries / Lisa Stiller

The Frustrations of Being a Consistent Life Activist / Lisa Stiller

The Adventures of Organizing as a Consistent Lifer / Lisa Stiller


Violence Workers (Present and Former)

Abortion Workers Speak Out / Sarah Terzo

Abortion Doctor Says: We are the Executioners / Sarah Terzo

“But I was Empty”: The Story of a Doctor Who Left Planned Parenthood  / Sarah Terzo

The Traumatized Lash Out / Rachel MacNair

Reaching Out Needs Compassion / Sarah Terzo

Healing for the Perpetrators: The Psychological Damage from Different Types of Killing / Sarah Terzo

Planned Parenthood Staff Revolt / Rachel MacNair

Personal Journeys (in alphabetical order by last name)

On Being a Consistent Chimera / Rob Arner

What Just Happened!?! Becoming Consistent Life Despite Myself. Part 1 / Thad Crouch

What Just Happened!?! Becoming Consistent Life Despite Myself, Part 2 / Thad Crouch

Common Sense Is Not So Common / Josephine Garnem

Peas of the Same Pod / Elena Muller Garcia

Angela Kennedy  (1963-2020)  / Katharine Gilchrist

Why Conservatives Should Oppose the Death Penalty / Destiny Herndon-de la Rosa

Coming to Peace and Living a Consistent Life After Military Service / Eve Dawn Kuha

My Personal Journey on Veganism, War, and Abortion / Frank Lane

Off the Fence and Taking My Stand on Abortion / Mary Liepold

Sharon Long: My Personal Pro-life Journey / Sharon Long

Grieving for John / Rachel MacNair

Becoming a Catholic Conscientious Objector / Tony Magliano

300 Roses / Rosalyn Mitchell

Walk On: Responding To Recent Situations in the Pro-Life Movement / Sonja Morin

Reconstruction of a Nation: Resilience in the Face of Terror  / Aneeza Pervez of Pakistan

Nukes and the Pro-Life Christian: A Conservative Takes a Second Look at the Morality of Nuclear Weapons / Karen Swallow Prior

The Reynolds Family, the Nuclear Age and a Brave Wooden Boat / Jessica Renshaw

Supporting the Dignity of Every Life / Bill Samuel

Brown v. Board of Education and Me / Bill Samuel

Fifty Years of Protesting for Peace / Lisa Stiller

Life as a Pro-life Progressive / Lisa Stiller

Will I be Treated the Same Way Now?  / Anonymous

In Their Own Voices (sets of quotations)

Abortion Supporters Connect Abortion to War

The Death Penalty and Abortion: Perspectives on Connections

Abortion and People with Disabilities

Roe v. Wade: Legal Scholars Comment

Women with Disabilities Speak

Racism Kills: Several Perspectives

Historical Black Voices: Racism Kills

When Linking Abortion with Other Violence Comes Naturally to Pro-lifers – Part 1: Connections Show Importance

When Linking Abortion with Other Violence Comes Naturally to Pro-lifers – Part 2: Consistency Strengthens the Case

“An Inferno That Even the Mind of Dante Could Not Envision”: Martin Luther King on Nuclear Weapons

Voices on Police Brutality in the Aftermath of the Murder of George Floyd

Fratelli Tutti – Consistent-Life Excerpts



History of the Consistent Life Ethic

Consistent Life History: Being Across the Board / Jim Hewes

Common Ground / Jim Kelly

The History of Framing the Arguments / Jim Kelly

Activists Reminisce: An Oral History of Prolifers for Survival

Reminiscing on the Founding Meeting of the Consistent Life Network / Carol Crossed

The Adventures of Prolifers for Survival: Scorned by Mobilization for Survival / Carol Crossed

The Consistent Life Consensus in Ancient Christianity / Rob Arner

Ancient Roots of the Consistent Life Ethic: Greece / Mary Krane Derr

First Stirrings in Connecting the Life Issues / Carol Crossed



Abort or Face Discharge / Sarah Terzo

Hard Questions about the Response to Terrorism: Looking Back on September 11th / John Whitehead

The Civil War Conundrum, 150 Years Later / Rachel MacNair

“Remember Pearl Harbor—Keep ‘Em Dying”: War and Racism in the Pacific / John Whitehead

The Wages of War, Part 1: How Abortion Came to Japan / John Whitehead

Wages of War, Part 2: How Forced Sterilization Came to Japan / John Whitehead

How Ableism Led (and Leads) to Abortion / Sarah Terzo

Finding Common Ground on and Learning from World War II  / John Whitehead


Five excerpts from the book Racism and Abortion by John Cavanaugh-O’Keefe: 

1. Plato’s Words about Eugenics

2. The Jukes and Kallikaks “Studies”

3. Sterilizing the “Unfit”

4. Post-World War II Eugenics

5. Eugenics in Roe v. Wade

Nonviolence Advocacy (outside the consistent life ethic)

The Reynolds Family, the Nuclear Age and a Brave Wooden Boat / Jessica Renshaw

The Real Meaning of Mother’s Day / Rob Arner

Violence Overcome

A Historical Success Story: Duels / Rachel MacNair

Our Experience with Overturning Terrible Court Decisions / Rachel MacNair

Would Nonviolence Work on the Nazis? / Rachel MacNair

East Germany’s Peaceful Revolution: Remembering the Berlin Wall’s Fall / John Whitehead

People Standing against Tanks: The Civil Resistance of August 1991 and Its Ambiguous Legacy / John Whitehead

The Christmas Truce of 1914


Notable Individuals (in alphabetical order)

Women’s History Month: Jane Addams / Mary Krane Derr & others

Courageous Woman: Elizabeth Anscombe (1919-2001) / Julianne Wiley

Valentine Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass  / Carol Crossed

Celebrating the Life of Daniel Berrigan

Abby Johnson Remembers Dan Berrigan

Dorothy Day and the Consistent Life Ethic: Rejecting Conventional Political Paradigms / Rob Arner

Remembering Gandhi at 150: The Power of Nonviolence and Respect for Life

Is it Too Late? 1971 Speech of Fannie Lou Hamer

Nat Hentoff, Rest in Peace

Remembering Rep. Walter B. Jones, Jr. / Patrick O’Neill

Where Does Martin Luther King Jr. Fit Into the Consistent Life Ethic? / Rob Arner

Dr. Charlotte Denman Lozier (1844-1870): Restellism Exposed

How to Value People Like Mister Rogers / Andrew Hocking

The Redemptive Personalism of Saint Oscar Romero / Julia Smucker

Elizabeth Cady Stanton / Mary Krane Derr & Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Difference this Time: Prolife Heroism  (Garrett Swasey, the pro-life police officer killed in shootings at the Colorado Planned Parenthood] / Rachel MacNair

Victoria Woodhull – First Woman to Run for U.S. President / Mary Krane Derr, Victoria Woodhull, and Tennessee Claflin



Is it Too Late? 1971 Speech of Fannie Lou Hamer

The Poor Cry Out for Justice, and We Respond with Legalized Abortion / Graciela Olivarez


Graciela Olivarez

Fannie Lou Hamer



Government Policy

Political Dynamics

The Deserving and Undeserving Poor vs. the Worthy and Unworthy of Life: How Both Major Political Parties Pick and Choose Who They Help and Whom They Kill / Jacqueline Abernathy

Inconsistency Sabotages the Peace Movement   / Rachel MacNair

Adventures as a Delegate to the Democratic Party Convention / Lisa Stiller

My Day at the Democratic National Convention / Rob Arner


Administrative Policy

Children in Cages (compilation of statements on separation of US immigrant parents and children)

The Biden Administration and Russia: Steps to Build a More Stable Relationship / John Whitehead

The Future of Fake Conservatism / Jim Kelly


Courts (outside Roe v. Wade & Dobbs v. Jackson, covered above under Thoughts on Issues)

Our Experience with Overturning Terrible Court Decisions / Rachel MacNair

Brown v. Board of Education and Me / Bill Samuel

June 29: Double Day of Death Dealing at the Supreme Court


Election Politics

See our website: Peace and Life Referendums

Presidential Election 2024: Consistent Life Perspectives / Carol Crossed, Lisa Stiller, and Rachel MacNair

Abortion on the Ballot / Lisa Stiller

Slavery: Removing the Exception / Rachel MacNair

What History Shows: The Consistent Life Ethic Works for Pro-life Referendums / Rachel MacNair

How Consistent-life Advocacy Would Benefit from Ranked-Choice Voting / Rachel MacNair

Elections 2020: Three Consistent-Life Approaches / Rachel MacNair

Pro-life Voting Strategy: A Problem without an Answer / John Whitehead

My Difficulty in Voting: Identifying the Problem (about the American Solidarity Party) / Monica Sohler

Summary: Peace and Life Referendums (results 2020)

Peace and Life Referendums (2019)Summ

Varieties of Hawk: Clinton v. Trump on Foreign Policy / John Whitehead

A President for Life and Peace? / Mary Meehan


Laws and Regulations – U.S. and general

What Studies Show: Impact of Abortion Regulations / Rachel MacNair

Post-Roe Life-Affirming Help / Rachel MacNair

My Ideas for Post-Roe Legislation / Rachel MacNair

My Ideas for 2021 Legislation / Rachel MacNair

Should Abortions be Illegal? / Bill Samuel

Who the Law Targets / Rachel MacNair

Why the Hyde Amendment Helps Low-Income Women / Rachel MacNair

Removing Health Care Access is an Act of Violence / Lisa Stiller

A Pro-Life Feminist Critique of the “Rape and Incest Exception” / Rachel MacNair


Laws – Ireland

Maria Horan

Sinn Féin and the New Legacy of Violence / Maria Horan

The Referendum on Abortion in Ireland: The Violation of Rights / Maria Horan

Northern Ireland’s New Colonialism / Maria Horan

Ireland’s Votes for Violence: Sinn Féin and Abortion / Maria Horan

Ireland’s New Silence and Its 6,666 Victims / Maria Horan



Nuclear Weapons

Apocalypse Imagined: The Urgent Message of Nuclear War: A Scenario / John Whitehead

Are We Finally Waking Up? Signs of New Awareness of the Nuclear Threat. / John Whitehead

Sleepwalking toward Nuclear War: The Lessons of the Able Archer Scare

Movie Review: Oppenheimer / Rachel MacNair

The Logic of Escalation: Nuclear Threats in Belarus and South Korea / John Whitehead

Stepping Back from the Brink: The Cuban Missile Crisis and Lessons for Today / John Whitehead

Fallout at Home Base: Nuclear Testing within the United States / John Whitehead

The Persisting Threat of Nuclear Weapons: A Brief Primer / John Whitehead

Nuclear Disarmament as a Social Justice Issue / John Whitehead

Unholy Trinity: The Terrible Consequences of the First Nuclear Test / John Whitehead

A Hidden Cost of the Ukraine War: How Russia’s Invasion Encourages the Spread of Nuclear Weapons / John Whitehead

Wasting Money on Instruments of Death: Nuclear Weapons in the 2022 Budget / John Whitehead

Lethal from the Start: Uranium Mining’s Danger to the Most Vulnerable / John Whitehead

“The Affairs of a Handful of Natives”: Nuclear Testing and Racism / John Whitehead

A Global Effort to Protect Life: The UN Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons / John Whitehead

Catastrophe by Mistake: The Button and the Danger of Accidental Nuclear War  / John Whitehead

Nukes and the Pro-Life Christian: A Conservative Takes a Second Look at the Morality of Nuclear Weapons / Karen Swallow Prior

The Reynolds Family, the Nuclear Age and a Brave Wooden Boat / Jessica Renshaw

To Save Humanity: What I Learned at the “Two Minutes to Midnight” Conference / John Whitehead


one of the quarterly anti-nuclear vigils we do with a coalition of groups

“An Inferno That Even the Mind of Dante Could Not Envision”: Martin Luther King on Nuclear Weapons

“Everybody Else in the World Was Dead”: Hiroshima’s Legacy/ John Whitehead

The Danger That Faces Us All: Hiroshima and Nagasaki after 75 Years / John Whitehead

Rejecting Mass Murder: Looking Back on Hiroshima and Nagasaki / John Whitehead


War Policy (other than Nuclear Weapons, covered above)

The Problem of Selective Concern about Injustice / John Whitehead

Looking Beyond Anti-Imperialism: A Response to Some Arguments about the Ukraine War / John Whitehead

Act Before We Reach “Midnight”: The Need to Seek a Cease-Fire in Ukraine / John Whitehead

The Need for Peacemakers: Two Urgent Dangers That Require a Response / John Whitehead

A Personal Reflection on a Just War / Jim Hewes

Buy the Time to Make Peace: Seeking a Cease-Fire in the Ukraine War / John Whitehead

Untying the Knot of War: Seek Negotiation, Not Escalation in Ukraine / John Whitehead

A Catastrophe Decades in the Making: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine /John Whitehead

Wars Cause Abortion / Rachel MacNair

Achieving Diplomatic Breakthroughs in the Past and Future: The “Opening to China” After 50 Years / John Whitehead

Not Your Pawns: A CLE Examination of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict / Sonja Morin

Seeing War’s Victims: The New York Times Investigation of Civilian Casualties in Iraq and Syria / John Whitehead

Encouraging Words That Require Action: Comments on the Geneva Summit / John Whitehead

The Civil War Conundrum, 150 Years Later / Rachel MacNair

Finding Common Ground on and Learning from World War II / John Whitehead

The Darkest Hour: “Glorifying” War? / Rachel MacNair

Would Nonviolence Work on the Nazis? / Rachel MacNair

Using Empathy during a New Cold War / John Whitehead

Making the Case for Peace to Conservatives / John Whitehead

Three Reasons for Opposing the US Bombing of Syria / John Whitehead


Planned Parenthood

See campaign websites: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood and Problems at Planned Parenthood

Racism and Planned Parenthood: Documentation

Medical Dangers, Sex Abuse, Labor Problems, Racism: Documenting Planned Parenthood / Rachel MacNair

Planned Parenthood Staff Revolt / Rachel MacNair

Does Planned Parenthood Reduce Abortions by Preventing Pregnancies? / Rachel MacNair

Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood / Rachel MacNair

Noncooperation with Planned Parenthood / Rachel MacNair

Defunding Planned Parenthood? / Rachel MacNair

Psychology & Sociology

Words as One Root of Killing / Rachel MacNair

War Hysteria and Post-Dobbs Reactions / Rachel MacNair

Violence Bolstered by Professional Contradictions / Rachel MacNair

The Creativity of the Fore-closed Option / Rachel MacNair

Where Violence Begins / Rachel MacNair

Resilient Rigidity / Rachel MacNair

Excerpt – Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion

Excerpt – Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion: Wars Cause Abortion

Excerpt – Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion: Child Abuse

Common Ground / Jim Kelly

Almost No One? How Survey Polls Work / Rachel MacNair

The Mind’s Drive for Consistency/ Rachel MacNair

Healing for the Perpetrators: The Psychological Damage from Different Types of Killing / Sarah Terzo

Does Socially-Approved Killing Increase Criminal Homicide? / Rachel MacNair

Explaining Belligerency / Rachel MacNair

Death Penalty and other Killing: The Destructive Effect on Us / Jim Hewes

Scientific Integrity Problems – Psychology / Rachel MacNair

Suicide Prevention and Other Kinds of Killing / Rachel MacNair

Post-Roe Stats: the Natural Experiment / Rachel MacNair


Literature and Art

Commentaries on Literature

MAID in Despair / Lois Kerschen

Comprehending Horror through Animation: The Art of the Anti-War Animated Movie / John Whitehead

It’s a Wonderful Movement  / Rachel MacNair

Right-to-Life Issues in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian Literature / Jeff Koloze

Recognizing Humanity: Orwell and the Consistent Life Ethic / John Whitehead

“Somewhere Else When the Trigger is Pulled”: Orwell and War / John Whitehead



Christmas Carols

The Christmas Truce of 1914

December 28: The Day of the Massacre of the Innocents

Dickens (Christmas literature)

Pandemics Related to Christmas / Rachel MacNair




Book Reviews

A Plea for Quiet – and for Peace: Consistent Life Ethic Themes in Fahrenheit 451 / John Whitehead





Book Review – Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All / Lois Kerschen





Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-life Movement Before Roe v. Wade / Carol Crossed (book by Daniel K. Williams)






The Tragedy of Carrie Buck: A Review of Imbeciles / Mary Lou Bennett (book by Adam Cohen)





How to Move from Theory to Practice: Reading “A Consistent Life”  / John Whitehead (book by Mary Grace Coltharp & Aimee Murphy)




Resisting Throwaway Culture / Mary Lou Bennett



Catastrophe by Mistake: The Button and the Danger of Accidental Nuclear War  / John Whitehead



A Way Beyond the Abortion Wars? / Bill Samuel (book by Charles C. Camosy)


Movie, Television, and Documentary Reviews

The Movie “Wicked”: Making a Real Person of the Witch of the West / Rachel MacNair

A Complex Man’s Complex Legacy: What the Movie Rustin Leaves Out / John Whitehead

Movie Review: Oppenheimer / Rachel MacNair

Movie Review: Sound of Freedom / Rachel MacNair

The Violence That Didn’t Happen (Stranger at the Gate) / Julia Smucker

Seeing Is Believing: Films to Inspire a Consistent Life Viewpoint / Mary Liepold

Movies with Racism Themes: “Gosnell” and “The Hate U Give” / Rachel MacNair

The Darkest Hour: “Glorifying” War? / Rachel MacNair

Hollywood Movie Insights I (The Giver, The Whistleblower, and The Ides of March) / Rachel MacNair

Hollywood Movie Insights II (Never Look Away, The Report, and Dark Waters) / Rachel MacNair

A Consistent Day in the Neighborhood / Andrew Hocking

Jasmine, Aladdin, and the Power of Nonviolence / Rachel MacNair

The Message of “Never Rarely Sometimes Always”: Abortion Gets Sexual Predators Off the Hook / Rachel MacNair

Justice Littered with Injustice: Viewing Just Mercy in a Charged Moment / Julia Smucker


Three Nonviolent Lessons from Dr. Who / Andrew Hocking

How Black Panther Promotes a Consistent Life Ethic / Andrew Hocking

A War on the People: A Review of One Child Nation / John Whitehead

Mothers and Daughters / Mary Bennett


“Seamless Garment” – Poem by Daniel Berrigan

Let us all agree on this one simple thing: It is not OK to kill people. / Robert Randall

What Do Men Have to Say on Abortion? (has three limericks) / Rachel MacNair

 The Cure for Headache / Acyutananda


Gendercide: Millions of “Missing” (Dead) Women

Behind and Beyond the Shout for Abortion: We need works of art that convey

the radical horror of abortion / Richard Stith


Media Stories on Abortion Access / Julia Smucker and Rachel MacNair



The Vital Need for Diversity / Sarah Terzo


Abortion and the Christian Bible: A Consistent-Life Perspective / Jim Hewes

The Consistent Life Consensus in Ancient Christianity  / Rob Arner

On Praying for the Military / Julia Smucker

The Early Christian Tradition / Rob Arner

Fratelli Tutti – Consistent-Life Excerpts

The Consistent Life Ethic: My Christian Perspective  / Jim Hewes

My Christian CLE Perspective: Absolute Nonviolence Across the Issues / Julia Smucker

December 28: The Day of the Massacre of the Innocents


Abortion and War are the Karma for Killing Animals / Vasu Murti

The Consistent Life Ethic and Traditional Tantra / Acyutananda


Why the Interfaith Approach is Important / Rachel MacNair



Breaking Stereotypes in Fearful Times / John Whitehead


Ancient Roots of the Consistent Life Ethic: Greece / Mary Krane Derr