Major Obstacle Removed!

Posted on June 24, 2022 By

Dobbs v. Jackson celebration

We’ve marched and educated and advocated, and finally it’s happened, as of June 24, 2022: months shy of 50 years, the United States courts will now allow citizens to influence abortion policy without judges telling them they can’t.

The work ahead is huge, but at least it now has the chance to be more effective.

Day of Horror & Hope

There’s an analogy with another January 22 event – the entry into force of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2021. It helps tremendously that nuclear weapons are explicitly illegal, but it’s not had much impact on those countries that actually have nuclear weapons. The treaty wasn’t an end point. It allowed for more effective organizing.

In the same way, we know that while some states will move to protect unborn children, others will push for their destruction all the more. And even the states that do pass laws to protect the babies will need to be pushed to do more than merely prohibit killing them, but also to provide for the flourishing of mothers, fathers, and children. Providing for such human flourishing is both worthwhile on its own merits and also makes it less likely parents will arrange to kill the unborn children in a different U.S. state or by some hidden method.

And everywhere, we must keep educating about how using violence as a problem-solver on this or any other issue is usually counterproductive and always wrong.

For those wanting a review of issues surrounding our new situation, especially since you may be having more discussions with others as people have taken an interest, see:

 Dobbs & Regulations

Reflections on the Alito Draft Leak of May 2, 2022 (several groups)

Should Abortions be Illegal? / Bill Samuel

Who the Law Targets / Rachel MacNair

My Ideas for Post-Roe Legislation / Rachel MacNair

What Studies Show: Impact of Abortion Regulations / Rachel MacNair

Social Programs to Help the Poor are Pro-life / Sarah Terzo

“The Daily Show” Doesn’t Do Its Homework / Rachel MacNair

Restorative Justice After Abortion | Rehumanize

Harms of Abortion

How Abortion is Useful for Rape Culture / Rachel MacNair

Abortion Facilitates Sex Abuse: Documentation / Rachel MacNair

The Message of “Never Rarely Sometimes Always”: Abortion Gets Sexual Predators Off the Hook / Rachel MacNair

Gendercide: Millions of “Missing” (Dead) Women

Abortion and Violence Against Pregnant Women / Martha Shuping, M.D.

The Myth of Sexual Autonomy / Julianne Wiley



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